On November 5th, 2006 Planet Earth published “Ice Worlds,” and in it, you see how global warming is killing our animals.

I was brought to tears re-watching the episode on Netflix. Because (and this was ten years ago) of the shrinking polar ice cap, you witness a male adult polar bear die from starvation.

Without the proper ice to walk on, the poor soldier swims his ass off until he makes it to land. Having lost half his bodyweight, he desperately attacks a heard of walrus. He almost snarfs one for his meal, but it slips away. He stumbles exhausted from several stab wounds, and eventually lies down.

He will not survive that weakened. The narrator concludes, “If the global climate continues to warm and the Arctic ice melts sooner each year it’s certain that more bears will share this fate.”

This has been the hardest winter yet for me in Michigan with so much metal in my right foot. The constant expansion and contraction due to the extreme day-to-day changes (SPRING-SNOW-SPRING-SNOW) is reaking havoc on the tissue around the screws and plates. One day we’ll have the ground covered in snow, then it’ll totally melt within DAYS. I’ve seen it happen back and forth three times in the last month alone.

I am ashamed to be a part of this. Electing Democrats to Washington is a helluva good start. What can we do when they simply won’t pass Obama’s climate change bills? EMBARRASSING AND COWARDLY, LET ALONE CRIMINAL.