You might not like the way Baltimore is handling it’s situation, but this is really not about just them.

How long ago was Trayvon Martin? And how long in general do black people have to be our subordinates? This a country that desperately needed a civil rights movement within the last century to end all the racism America still had in store. AND WE BROUGHT SLAVES TO AMERICA FROM AFRICA IN THE FIRST PLACE.

How do you think we’d feel if that’s how our ancestors were forced into the country, and nothing of their entire history suggests that it’ll end. SO IF YOU WERE A YOUNG BLACK PERSON IN BALTIMORE, DON’T YOU THINK YOU’D BE FED UP?

Now that there’s some vigilante recording in the 2010s, we’re catching this racism left and right. BUT there’s never any justice. Then, they provoke us and sprinkle crack, just like in Chappelle’s Show.

The people in Baltimore represent all black people and the never ending bull shit the U.S. descends upon them. While we need a real MLK like leader, understand the real enemy is our justice system, not the young people who are righteously outraged.