i-would-die-4-uAnd it’s glorious.

We all stand here, as Americans, faced with a choice: do we continue to believe in the same march Martin Luther King did, or do we let hatred become the best of us?

It’s hard. To look at how the police treat our people, never one time facing the consequences for their thoughtless actions. I can’t stand by on the death of our Purple Rain man and not acknowledge, again, my girl Hillary Clinton for President.

Is it so funny now, Jane? To stare down the barrel of that victim’s heart, to stand with the mothers who (potemtially) like you, lost someone they love. Why is gun control trivial like the death of our young poor Americans?

We just want justice…

if there aint no justice, there aint no peace.

He died for us… he said he would…. lets uphold his mission.