I’ve heard all politicians are the same. A snarf pot-shot at President Barack Obama upon the 2008 election. Like voting doesn’t matter.

Jon Stewart, please?

The amount of impact Obama, Bill Clinton, and past democratic leaders who create public services, are willing to fund them and keep them alive, and care about universal health care, vs. the likes of Nixon, Reagan, Bush & Bush Jr.?

This is for real. You know what an impact your vote has on the lives of the people here in my neighborhood? Here’s some policy changes from W: slashing Grand Rapids Public Schools’ funding due to “No Child Left Behind” test-traps: including down the street at Ottawa Hills. Otherwise public schools are left behind, to the likes of private, christian, down the street neighboring Ottawa, “DeVos High,” listed as “Christian High.”

I am seeing a breathtaking difference between Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney.