100% of male experts agree: nobody knows more about women’s issues like birth control than late-middle-aged men and the Republican party is well aware.

A few weeks ago, when Congress held a panel on birth control with no women on it, it didn’t seem to make sense that a bunch of men should be making these decisions. But, now Nick Offerman and some of his comedic pals have come together in this Funny or Die video and helped us see that, of course, men should make all of our reproductive health choices from now on! Why? Well, for starters, as Offerman explains, “Late middle-aged men know the most about everything.” And Tim Meadows also makes the very valid point that, “Women don’t know the first thing about their own health. That’s why there are no women doctors.” Also, Judd Nelson can spell “boobs” on a calculator.

via Nick offerman News, Video and Gossip – Jezebel.