Can you imagine President Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Cruz, Rubio, Walker or Bush? The Koch network alone plans on spending $1 billion dollars in 2016, double what they spent in 2012. That doesn’t include the billions in 1% and corporate donations that will be spent.

The Republican smear machine against Hillary Clinton is in full gear. They’re attacking her with every fear mongering angle they can conceive. She’s going to need us all in the fight. She can’t do it alone.

Bernie Sanders will push Hillary left in the debates and will ignite a broader conversation; but he’s not a viable general election candidate. He’s a small state independent with little foreign policy experience that has general election problems in VA, NC, SC, FL, NM and NV.

Even if you don’t like Hillary Clinton we can hold her accountable to party policy. The scandals and talking points against her have been debunked. There is no other leader more respected around the world. No matter what the apathetic say, we are not the same. Democrats want to rebuild our infrastructure, protect the environment, reduce income inequality and promote human rights.

We can’t afford four years of Republican leadership, or lack thereof. Imagine if McCain would’ve been elected with Republicans in charge. How many unnecessary wars and economic problems would we have had to contend with?

There’s an ultimate battle for the soul of this country. Do we promote tolerance and science or does ignorance and money rule? We all have a little stake in this fight. The champion of the people is clear in Hillary Clinton and we cannot let Republicans take control of our government.

Source: ActBlue — Pledge Hillary