Last night, in an extraordinarily vile display of hate (even by his standards!), Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. All Muslims — including Muslim U.S. citizens traveling abroad. Including the thousands of Muslim-Americans who serve in our military overseas, presumably.

But before you write this off as another example of Trump being Trump, consider this: Just a few weeks ago, both Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush were calling for religious tests for refugees, and Marco Rubio wanted to shut down not only mosques but cafés, diners, and anywhere else Muslims gather in this country.

These attitudes are sickening and downright un-American — and they threaten our national security. In fact, they feed into the exact narrative ISIL uses to recruit extremists. And it’s clear that they’ve permeated the Republican field, so it’s more important than ever that we keep them out of the White House.

Source:, Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee

We can’t forget what South Park taught us: if we keep laughing and laughing, next thing we know this crazy asshole will be in office. Let’s continue to fight the right the best way possible: with knowledge. They will continue to be exposed without any legs to stand on in the 21st century.