I thought when I saw it live you were just freeing yourself from your leg grasp, and sure enough, you defended yourself. Good luck against the delusional media.


Dietrich-Smith wouldn’t say it was a dirty play.

“Stuff happens,” he said.

“I want to apologize to my teammates, my coaches and my true fans for allowing the refs to have an opportunity to take me out of this game,” Suh said. “What I did was remove myself from the situation the best way I felt, with me being held down.”

Suh was quick to defend himself, saying he was trying to keep his balance while freeing himself from the brief scuffle.

“My intention was not to kick anybody, as I did not, removing myself,” he said. “I was on top of a guy, being pulled down, and trying to get up off the ground — and why you see me pushing his helmet down, because I’m trying to remove myself from the situation, and as I’m getting up, I’m getting pushed, so I’m getting myself on balance.”