Fitting that a dried out, toupee’d dinosaur would come back to lead an extinct party.

When you deny climate change exists, threaten immigrants, don’t stand up for and routinely deny women’s, LGBT, disabled and minority’s rights, rely on religion instead of science… reject unions and protection of the working man from big business, big oil, and big banks; let a fucking Mormon be your nominee 4 years after Sarah Palin was the VP candidate. When you prefer bigotry, hate, fear, racism, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET: the most unqualified, scary-stupid Hitlerian American we have: DONALD DRUMPF.

Maybe you’ll find a way to fuck him, but it’s not like, boy, how did this happen? He rose from the ashes of your shit party and spread his disease like wildfire through our media machine.

This is who we’re left with – likely – as the 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee. Hey, Hillary: KICK HIS FUCKING ASS.