What a year 2015 was. As we move forward into a year where we will be celebrating the Olympics and picking a new President, I maintain it’s crucial to not stop defeating the evils of the world: aka, Republicans.

I know, I know: this is a sports website. SHUT THE FUCK UP, SNARF. BUT NO! Because like South Park taught us, this is not funny. It’s not going away. And it’s important to remember that we have a voice, the only voice, 99.9%ers.

None of us except less that .1% can relate to the rich, easy life. The rest of us cannot afford for someone WORSE that W. to lead our nation.

No more police violence. Legalize weed. Help poor people – and not just poor children. No more discrimination, especially to women, minorities, and the homosexual community. I’ve had enough bigotry in my short lifetime; how about you?