If you’re sick and tired of this Donald Trump flashback, you’re not alone. Trump has not earned the stage he’s been provided. The Republican Party is so ancient and extinct he’s all they have left to troll out for 2016.

You look at all the issues the Democrats stand for, and they’re the type of basic civil human rights pretty much all Americans believe in. The Republicans, meanwhile, just use money to promote the self-interests of businesses.

We don’t need the Republican Party anymore. After watching George W. Bush, a complete clown, devastate our economy for eight years, we’re done. For christ’s sake, they trolled out a goddamn Mormon to face Obama.

Barack Obama is going to help Hillary Clinton get in the same way he did: actually knowing how to use a computer. We won’t get fucked by a Gore – Kerry margin anymore; it’s too easy to use social media and spread your campaign to all the key states.

So shame on TIME for giving an assclown their cover, and shame on every media outlet covering Trump just for ratings.

He’s an unqualified lunatic who is not apart of any conversation for president.

Not a serious one.