Has anyone else fancied a glance at the show on Discovery?

Scientists have evidence of fucking Mermaids.


These creatures seem to have evolved into human-fish. The footage is amazing:

Lol. I know this is ridiculous. But then again, it isn’t.

Christopher Columbus, the Vikings, and snarfs throughout history logged records of seeing sea people when they crossed the ocean.

There is a lot of science that goes into this. The skeleton is consistent in modern day’s findings and in different sections of history. They have webbed hands and a crest on their head. The sounds that they’ve recorded them making in the ocean and their bone structures aren’t the same as any other known species.

The special really does it justice. These scientists found the remains of one of the “mermaids” in South Africa but had their stuff took away 1984 style by the government. They seem to know.

Here is more testimony:

Watch the special and see for yourself if you haven’t already, or just try and go to our boy farsantePaul Robertson’s website


Fuck me. This is pretty funny so I won’t remove it, it seems to have hoaxed us all…