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Grand Rapids, Michigan

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


TheSportingSnarf  is a website dedicated to the enjoyable, humorous, and nuanced aspects of the sporting and (to a lesser extent) pop-culture world.  We attempt to touch upon (in varying degrees of print/video length) engaging topics which are not discussed nearly enough. We’d love for you to give us your perspective, network, and participate regularly. But if you’d just like to join in on the mob-mentality and get all sanctimonious on a particular sports figure — head on over to (Mickey Mouse welcomes you.) Or you can keep it real with us.

What Works? By Eric Ralph

According to Mitt Romney, Planned Parenthood is not the way to go. Sure, we all want the same thing: less unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases – but being shy about sex education is hurting our health. The states who provide abstinence only education have the highest rates of STD’s and teen pregnancies (Ann Perkins, Parks […]

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